Aaron Racicot
... a technical life history                

Drone presentations

FOSS4G 2014 - Quadcopter Presentation - How to leverage inexpensive quadcopters, cameras and Open Source software to generate useful GIS data.

FOSS4G 2014 - Leveraging Quadcopter Data For Small Town GIS - How small towns (or orgs will limited resources) can leverage Open Source tools and infrastructure to gather, host and serve GIS data. Quadcopter based imagery is used as the example dataset.

UW GIS Day - Intro to Quadcopter Data Collection - GIS Day presentation on introduction to quadcopter GIS for students and the general community.

South Whidbey Elementary - MAPS! - Presentation on maps for elementary age kids which talked about data gathering and finished with flights over the local elementary school and generating a 3D model and image stitching.

Geospatial Show and Tell - Presentation focused on both incident response (NOAA) and quadcopter work at a geospatial show and tell. Drone portion focused on Structure from Motion and some flights at Brightwater Treatment Plant, Palouse Falls, and a grain facility in eastern WA.

Sketchfab structure from motion (SFM) projects

Langley WA - SFM rendering of the 2nd Street rebuild project in Langley WA.

Brightwater Treatment Facility - Testing drone based image collection and modeling for King County focused on environmental response.

Grain Silo - Grain silo in Eastern Washington in 2015

Palouse Falls - Flights over Palouse Falls in 2015

Photos of drone work

Palouse Falls - Photos of flying Palouse Falls

Grain Silo - Flying the grain silo in Eastern Washington and SFM processing including GeoSync and DEM generation.

Building Custom Mount - Getting in the shop and building a custom camera/gimbal mount for the Phantom.

Brightwater Treatment - Flying the Brightwater Treatment plant.

Langley SFM - Flying Langley WA to gather sample data for SFM analysis.

SFM on the Farm - Early tests of SFM on the farm.

My drone software projects

GeoSync - A reader/decoder for Flytrex encoded data used to geotag photos by syncing GPS data logger and EXIF data from photo capture.

OpenDroneMap - Great open source project that is attempting to automate and chain all of the great open source Structure From Motion tools for image processing drone imagery.

Langley Data - Data that I collected of the Langley WA town center that is used as a reference dataset in ODM.